06 March, 2025
1 min read

“Julius Caesar” at the Hole in the Wall Theater

The Hole in the Wall Theater’s presentation of “Julius Caesar”, based on the classic play written by William Shakespeare and adapted by Hole in the Wall member William Arnold, is playing Friday and Saturday nights until June 17th. As Hole in the Wall Theater describes the play, “Political maneuvering, angry aristocrats, backstabbing treachery – all too […]

1 min read

Two More Showings of “Travesties” at the Hole in the Wall Theater

News Brief There will be two more chances to see the play, “Travesties” at the Hole in the Wall Theater.  The two showings will be Friday February 17th and Saturday February 18th, both at 8:00pm. The play, by Tom Stoppard, is described by the Theater, “What do you get when you combine Oscar Wilde, Monty Python, […]

6 mins read

A Midsummer Night’s Dream Brings Comedy to Hole in the Wall.

By Sheridan Cyr Lifestyles Editor Dreams, faeries and puzzled mortals are visiting the Hole in the Wall theater in Kelly Mountzoure’s adaptation of A Midsummer Night’s Dream by William Shakespeare. The show will be running for the remainder of July and a few dates in the first week of August. The cast consists of fine-tuned actors and […]

4 mins read

The Hole in the Wall Theater is Vital to New Britain’s Art Scene

By Geoff Elterich Staff Writer Downtown New Britain generally isn’t the first place one thinks of when discussing theater, but The Hole in the Wall Theater aims to challenge that notion. The small downtown theater has provided an outlet for theater aficionados in New Britain since 1972. What began as The Hole in the Wall […]

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