Hungerford Park
“Paint Night” at Hungerford Park
The New Britain Youth Museum at Hungerford Park is holding “Paint Night” event, where guests participate in creating art.
Maple Sugaring and Pancakes at Hungerford Youth Museum
The New Britain Youth Museum at Hungerford Park is hosting a “Pancake Breakfast and Maple Sugaring Weekend.
Italian Night at Hungerford Park Youth Museum
The New Britain Youth Museum at Hungerford Park announced its “Italian Night” event, saying, “Join us for pasta, salad, garlic bread, meatballs & dessert.”
Holiday Kids Night Out at Hungerford Park
The New Britain Youth Museum at Hungerford Park will have a “Holiday Kids Night Out for kids ages three to twelve years old.
Youth Museum to Hold Benefit Auction
The New Britain Youth Museum will hold a benefit auction on October 12, 2018 to support the educational and animal programs of the Museum.
Pancake Breakfast and Maple Sugaring at Hungerford Park Mar 10th
Early springtime in New England brings the opportunity for a sweet treat from sugar maple trees in the forests around us, and a chance to keep in touch with some old traditions. In that spirit, the New Britain Youth Museum at Hungerford Park is having a “Pancake Breakfast and Maple Sugaring” event on March 10th. […]
“Kids’ Night Out” at Hungerford Park, Feb 17th
The New Britain Youth Museum at Hungerford Park will be holding a “Kids’ Night Out” event on February 17th. The Museum says, ” Drop kids off at the nature center for an evening of fun.” The Museum says that the program costs $15 per child for members and $25 per child for non-members. “Games crafts, […]
Youth Museum Valentines Day Parties Feb 9th and 10th
The New Britain Youth Museum and the New Britain Youth Museum at Hungerford Park are holding Valentines Day parties in early February, 2018. On Friday, February 9th, the New Britain Youth Museum will hold its second annual Valentines Day Party. The Museum says that it is a free event. The Museum says, “Drop in between 1:00-3:30.” […]
Pasta Supper to Benefit Youth Museum at Hungerford Park
The New Britain Youth Museum at Hungerford Park will host a Pasta Supper fundraiser on February 2, 2018. The Museum says, “Join us for baked penne pasta, salad, roll, dessert, a beverage and a complimentary glass of wine.” The Pasta Supper is $12 for adults, $10 for seniors and $5 for children, ages two to […]
Preschool Program at Hungerford Park Youth Museum
The New Britain Youth Museum at Hungerford Park has announced a four session Preschool Program, from January to June. The Program, the Museum says, will involve, “Encouraging young children to use their senses and creativity to explore the natural world around them. Each session may include live animals, games, crafts, cooking, stories, science experiments, and […]