7 mins read
The Secrets to a Successful Tag Sale
By Leslie Jacobs Staff Writer Did you ever look at photos in magazines and wonder where did the homeowners put all of the books, china, exercise equipment…“the clutter” in the house? Everything might be hidden away in another room, or maybe the homeowners got organized and had a tag sale and now are celebrating […]
7 mins read
The Truth about Hoarding: A Real Dilema
admin0Tagged cleaning, clutter, Depression, Hoarders, Hoarding, Institute of Living, Jacobs, Leslie, Leslie Jacobs, Lesmess, Loss
By Leslie Jacobs Columnist The first time I ever was in a hoarders house was in the early 80s. I had become friends with a group of people at work and I dropped off one of them at home—she invited me in to let me go to the bathroom. As I walked into the […]