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26 March, 2025
2 mins read

Republican Accusations Thrown Out: Merrill Gay Vindicated

The State Elections Enforcement Commission has dismissed a complaint filed by New Britain Republicans against 2017 Democratic Mayoral candidate Merrill Gay, saying, “the facts do not support the allegations.” As the 2017 mayoral election was heating up, Republican Party Chair Anthony Cane filed a complaint with a series accusations that sought to tie Gay with […]

2 mins read

Numbers Don’t Back Mayor Stewart’s Claim That State Budget Caused City’s Negative Credit Rating

By John McNamara Contributing Columnist Mayor Erin Stewart has blamed this year’s state budget crisis for the city’s negative credit rating in response to a November 2nd report of an “escalating” debt and her administration’s own budget that shows interest payments will cost taxpayers tens of millions of dollars over the next four years. “We were downgraded […]

3 mins read

Information Available on Where to Vote, and How to Register to Vote on Election Day, Nov 7, 2017

Editor’s note (11/1/2020): This article is from 2017. The New Britain Progressive has published a similar article for 2020, Registering and Voting This Tuesday Nov 3rd. City elections are coming up on Tuesday, November 7th for the offices of Mayor, City Council, Board of Education, Town Clerk, Tax Collector, Treasurer, Board of Assessment Appeals and […]

1 min read

Merrill Gay Announces Total Campaign Contributions of Over $60,000

Democratic Mayoral candidate Merrill Gay has announced that he has received $29,660 in campaign contruibutions between July and September. Gay announced that his most recent campaign finance report brings the total amount he has raised in contributions toward his Mayoral bid to over $60,000. That amount of money is widely considered to be one sign […]

1 min read

Candidate Debate on Education Issues Oct 5th

The New Britain Federation of Teachers, in collaboration with other city organizations, including the Opportunities Industrialization Center and the NAACP New Britain Branch, are hosting a candidate debate on education issues in the city. The debate will feature Democrat Merrill Gay and Republican Erin Stewart, candidates for Mayor, and candidates for Board of Education. The […]

2 mins read

Berriault Calls for Change in Leadership Because of Taxes and Spending

By Bobby Berriault After two terms of Mayor Erin Stewart, I say it’s time for a change in leadership. In her two terms of office, Republican Mayor Stewart raised our property taxes by 19% or $19,231,280! Our mill rate is currently at 50.5 mills, making it the fourth most expensive of any town in the State […]

1 min read

Connecticut Hispanic Democratic Caucus Endorses Merrill Gay for Mayor and Entire New Britain Democratic Slate

The Connecticut Hispanic Democratic Caucus (CHDC), a statewide coalition of Hispanic/Latino elected and appointed officials, community leaders, clergy, and business leaders, has endorsed Democrat Merrill Gay’s candidacy for Mayor of New Britain, as well as the entire Democratic slate in this year’s New Britain elections. “Our caucus typically only endorses Hispanic candidates,” said CHDC president […]

5 mins read

Merrill Gay and other Democrats Call for Unity Against Trump’s Support of White Supremacists

Democratic Mayoral Candidate, Merrill Gay, the New Britain Democratic Party and local Democratic slate are calling for unity in New Britain against Republican President Donald Trump’s support for white supremacists. Gay, Democratic Town Committee Chair Bill Shortell and other Democratic candidates are calling on local Republicans who have supported Trump to do so as well. “Last […]

2 mins read

Merrill Gay Wins Democratic Party Mayoral Endorsement

Democratic Board of Education member Merrill Gay was unanimously endorsed by the New Britain Democratic Party to be the Democratic nominee for Mayor of New Britain. The Democratic Town Committee, the elected body representing city Democrats, held its 2017 nomination meeting at 7:00pm on July 20th at City Hall. In accepting the endorsement, Gay talked […]