26 March, 2025
1 min read

New Britain High School Students Inducted into Honor Societies.

Numerous New Britain High School students have been inducted into honor societies, recognizing their achievement in various subjects. World Languages Honor Society “The New Britain High School World Languages Department Honor Society held their induction ceremony on May 17,” said the New Britain school district, on its website. “After being inducted during their junior year, […]

2 mins read

New Britain High School Student Earns Highest Exam Score in the State

Sarah Farley, a senior at New Britain High School has earned the highest score on thhe CTE (Career and Technical Education) Assessments exam, scoring 92 percent. Farley is being hailed for the difficulty of her achievement. Sondra Sanford, Assistant Coordinator of NBHS Programs and Community Partnerships, said that 48 percent of the students who take […]

2 mins read

NBHS Senior Performs at Regional Music Festival

Jasper Khambaylarsirikul, is a member of the NBHS Madrigal Singers, the Golden Hurricanes Marching Band and Tri-M Music Honor Society, as well as the student leader of the NBHS Men’s Choir. He plays flute, piccolo and oboe, and is learning clarinet. And he was selected to represent the school at the Northern Regional High School Chorus in […]

5 mins read

The Class of 2016 Graduates from New Britain High School

By Olivia Jablonski Managing Editor 483 students have successfully graduated from New Britain High school  on Thursday, June 16. The graduation took place at Veterans Memorial Stadium located in Willow Brook Park on 635 South Main Street in New Britain at 11 a.m. On this special and sunny day, students and administrators throughout the school […]

3 mins read

New Superintendent of Schools Welcomed

By Andrew J LegnaniStaff Writer The new Superintendent was introduced to the community on Wednesday. Jefferson Elementary School’s “Hotstix” Drum band welcomed the New Superintendent of Schools with a bang inside New Britain High School’s cafeteria. The 2 hour event started at 5 p.m. and included refreshments. Nancy Sarra, who begins her role as the […]

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