26 March, 2025
2 mins read

City Council Petition to Be Introduced on Allen Street Stop Sign

Ald. Emmanuel Sanchez (D-AL) is introducing a City Council petition for the city to consider restoring stop signs at the corner of Allen and Carlton Street. Sanchez’ petition, in the draft as submitted, says, “Please reinstall the stop signs at the corner of Allen St. and Carlton St. as there have been several car accidents […]

1 min read

TRIAD Pancake Breakfast to Benefit “Senior Prom” Mar 18th

The New Britain TRIAD program will have a pancake breakfast March 18, 2018, to support TRIAD’s annual “Senior Prom.” The breakfast will be held from 8:00am to 11:00am at the New Britain Senior Center. The Senior Center is at 55 Pearl Street. Eggs, bacon, sausage, hash browns, orange juice, coffee and, of course, pancakes, will […]

1 min read

Police and PAL to Host Thanksgiving Meal for Those in Need

The New Britain Police Department and the New Britain Police Athletic League (PAL) are hosting a Thanksgiving meal for members of the community who are in need. “Volunteers from NB PAL and the NBPD, will be serving traditional Thanksgiving food items along with specialty Latin cuisine,” said a promotion from event organizers. “Any member or […]

1 min read

North Oak NRZ “Coffee With The Chief” Nov 18th

Coffee, pastries and neighborhood discussion are planned at a “Coffee With The Chief” event hosted by the North Oak Neighborhood Revitalization Zone (NRZ) and the New Britain Police Department. “Coffee With The Chief” will be held on Saturday, November 18th, 2017 from 9:30am to 11:30am. “Don’t miss the chance to talk in person to our chief of police, […]

1 min read

New Britain Police 2017 “Stuff a Cruiser” School Supplies Drive for New Britain Kids Aug 12th

The New Britain Police Department and the New Britain Police Union are holding a drive for school supplies for New Britain public school kids. The second installment of the “Stuff a Cruiser” drive will be held on Saturday, August 12, 2017 from 10:00am to 2:00pm at the Target Store at 475 Hartford Road in New […]

1 min read

Hundreds Celebrate National Night Out in New Britain

Hundreds of people gathered in a festival atmosphere for New Britain’s 2017 National Night Out. The 2017 National Night Out was held in Central Park. A large grill cooked up hamburgers by the dozen, while music played and children bounced playfully inside large inflatables. The weather was warm and the mood was upbeat at the […]

8 mins read

Ways to Improve Police-Community Relations, When Tensions are Rising Nationwide.

By Cody DallaValle Unsolicited Op-Ed Why is it that police and the communities that they are assigned to protect sometimes have sour relationships? Obviously this question doesn’t have just one universal answer; the answer depends upon myriad variables such as quality and intelligence of officers, the mood of citizens, current events, distrust on both sides, and […]

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