Newly Elected City Council to Select Its Leadership
The newly elected New Britain City Council will hold its first meeting on November 15, 2017, and its first task is the selection of its leaders from among its fifteen members. The many changes in the membership of the Council, after voters, in the November 7th elections, changed the Council from a 12 to 3 […]
At Large City Council Candidates Discuss Education, Economy and Water
Current Democratic Ald. Manny Sanchez (D-3) is joined by fellow Democrats, Eva Magnuszewski, Yvonne Muniz, Katie Breslin and Richard Reyes as the Democratic candidates for At-Large City Council members, facing Republican Desiree Costa and incumbent Republicans Tremell Collins (R-AL), Jim Sanders, Jr. (R-AL) and Daniel Davis (R-AL) and the Republican Council Leader Daniel Salerno (R-AL). […]
Ward 2 Candidates Discuss Serving New Britain’s East Side
Democrats Lamar Bowsky and Brian Keith Albert are discussing improvements to the city economy and community services for the people of New Britain’s East Side in their challenge to first-term incumbent Republicans Jerrell Hargraves (R-2) and Kristian Rosado (R-2) in the City Council elections in Ward 2. New Britain’s Ward 2 elects two members of the […]
Ward 1 City Council Candidates
The City Council election in New Britain’s Ward 1 is between two incumbent Republicans and two Democratic challengers. Democrats Veronica T. DeLandro and Molly McGuire are taking on Ald. Jamie Giantonio (R-1) and Ald. Wilfredo Pabon (R-1), two of the city’s longest-serving Council members. Ten of the fifteen members of the City Council are elected from […]
Republican Partisan Gambit Raises Meeting Legality Questions
The attempt by members of the City Council elected as Republicans to claim different party affiliations than they were elected as has raised the question of whether the Republican Party’s caucus on the City Council may have been holding unlawful meetings. State law requires that meetings of a majority of City Council members must be […]
Merrill Gay and other Democrats Call for Unity Against Trump’s Support of White Supremacists
Democratic Mayoral Candidate, Merrill Gay, the New Britain Democratic Party and local Democratic slate are calling for unity in New Britain against Republican President Donald Trump’s support for white supremacists. Gay, Democratic Town Committee Chair Bill Shortell and other Democratic candidates are calling on local Republicans who have supported Trump to do so as well. “Last […]
Major Inaccuracies in City Journal Article on School System Salaries
Major inaccuracies appeared in a recent article by the Republican-oriented New Britain City Journal in which City Hall Republicans attacked a decision by the Republican-led Board of Education on administrative staff salaries. In an editorial, the City Journal, closely allied with Republican Mayor Erin Stewart, criticized the decision of the Board of Education on three […]
GOP Alderman Hits School Board On Salaries But Rubber Stamps Pay Hikes, More Spending At City Hall
By John McNamara The sometimes fragile relations between City Hall and the Board of Education took a backward step this week over complaints from Ward 2 Republican Alderman Kristian Rosado appearing in the New Britain City Journal. Rosado, in a front-page story in the City Journal, derided a unanimous BOE move on salary increases for […]
Amid Growing Questions and a Democratic Resolution, Stewart and Council Republicans Abandon Patton Brook Sale
In the wake of mounting questions about why Republican Mayor Erin Stewart sold the Patton Brook Well while the city knew it was facing significant drought conditions, and a City Council resolution, originally offered by the three Democratic Council members, to revoke the sale, the Republican mayor and the Council’s Republicans are abandoning her plan to sell […]
Republicans Pass Over Violet Sims for Board of Education
Press Pool Story Dozens of city residents attended the City Council meeting on Wednesday, January 25th, in support of Violet Jiménez Sims to fill the vacancy on the Board of Education left by the passing of Democrat Judy Greco. Speakers at the public session before the meeting overwhelmingly favored Sims, the candidate nominated by city Democrats to […]