26 March, 2025
2 mins read

National Voter Registration Day: LWV Signs Up New Voters At Library, Stop & Shop This Week

 Staff Reports NEW BRITAIN – The New Britain chapter of the League of Women Voters (NBLWV) continued its voter registration drive on National Voter Registration Day Tuesday, September 20th at the New Britain Public Library on High Street where volunteers signed up patrons for the November 8th election and shared information on referenda questions to […]

5 mins read

Campaign cash soared in ’21 municipal election but voter turnout declined

By John McNamara “Money is the mother’s milk of politics” goes the observation first coined in the 1960s that applies to almost every state and federal election cycle as all kinds of committees and special interests raise billions in reported and anonymous donations. That old saying about money in politics applies less frequently to local elections where […]

1 min read

Black Democratic Club Continues Voter Empowerment

By Tim O’Brien Columnist New Britain has a great need for dedicated advocates for voter empowerment. Our community has a very real history of voter suppression by those charged with operating our election process. That is why it is more important than ever that New Britain’s people remain highly organized to fight for their rights and […]

5 mins read

Basing Our Support of Democratic Candidates On the Company They Keep

By Rhona Cohen Opinion Editor There are two very consequential local democratic primaries happening in New Britain on August 9th.   Local elections are hardly ever discussed anywhere in statewide media, which might lead folks to believe they are of no consequence. However, they have major and reverberating effects, both locally and nationally.  New Britain […]

1 min read

Improving Equality and Justice in New Britain, Starting with Voting Rights

By Tim O’Brien Columnist As New Britain joined people nationwide in mourning the lives lost in senseless violent acts, the Black Ministerial Alliance of New Britain led the way in bringing people in the community together in a “Community Prayer for Peace Service for those who lost their lives at the hands of Law Enforcement […]

2 mins read

Registrars Moves To Re-Locate Two Polling Places For Primary, November Election

By John McNamara Contributing Columnist New Britain’s Registrars of Voters are moving to change polling places in Districts 6 and 13 in time for an August 8th Primary and the November 8th Presidential Election. Republican Peter Gostin and Democrat Juan Verdu have identified Angelico’s Cafe restaurant on East Main Street to replace the State Armory […]

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