water fees
Your Water Bill: New Britain Pays Highest By Income To Mattabassett District
Census Data Shows Sewer Fees Take A Bigger Chunk Out of NB Residents’ Wallets Staff Reports| News Analysis NEW BRITAIN – The City Council received an annual budget report at its May 24th meeting from the Mattabassett District which shows how much the residents of each member city and town pay to the regional sewer […]
Scott Organizing On High Water Bill Issue at May 18th Water Board Meeting
After two April Water Board meetings were cancelled, Board of Assessment Appeals member Candyce Scott is again organizing people to advocate
Scott Organizing To Bring High Water Bill Issue To Water Board
Board of Assessment Appeals member Candyce Scott is organizing to advocate for people with high water bills at the city Water Board.
High Water Bills To Be Discussed At Community Meeting on April 14th
Board of Assessment Appeals member Candyce Scott is inviting people with high water bills to a meeting to discuss taking action on the issue.
$5,000 Water Bill Among Others Prompting Council Petition
A resident who received a $5000 water bill is an example is an issue Ald. Aram Ayalon says is why he is calling for an official city report.
Top 10 of 2017: #4 – Exposing New Britain’s “Watergate”
Many important stories have been covered by the New Britain Progressive in 2017. It may be difficult to name only a few articles as the top stories of the year, but there are a few the New Britain Progressive would like to share as our Top Ten. Other Top Ten stories can be found at […]
Stewart Water Fee Increase Debate Deepens
In the debate around Republican Mayor Erin Stewart’s plan to increase water rates, despite her promise not to increase taxes, Democratic Ald. Manny Sanchez (D-3) has responded to the Republican mayor’s defense of her proposal. Stewart has cited ongoing water infrastructure projects, decreasing revenues and that water rates have not increased recently as reasons for […]
Ald. Sanchez Advocates Against Stewart Water Rate Increase
Democratic Ald. Manny Sanchez (D-3) is pressing Republican Mayor Erin Stewart and the Republican dominated City Council to not to increase water rates. “As locally elected officials, we have a duty to act in a fiscally responsible manner,” Sanchez said in a letter to Stewart. “This includes ensuring that our constituents do not incur unnecessary […]