The Fifth Congressional District House seat is up for grabs in November and the Democratic Primary has come to New Britain. While the platforms of the two Democrats running in the Democratic primary on August 13 2018 are very similar, maybe the delineating factors are race and experience holding elected office.

Mary Glassman opened her campaign headquarters at 136 Main Street on Saturday July 28, 2018. Earlier in the week, she had an appearance at the New Britain Senior Center.
The Glassman campaign website emphasizes experience first, “Mary Glassman is a lifelong Connecticut resident who was born and raised in the 5th Congressional District. Her service in the judicial, legislative and executive branches of state government – and as a journalist, attorney, first selectman and state leader— are the mark of a public servant who has dedicated her life to the people of her community.”

The Hayes campaign website emphasizes representing those who feel left out or forgotten, “My decision to run for Congress is inspired by the people in my community who have become disengaged because they struggle to find themselves reflected in the narrative. People with real stories, challenges and successes that never make it into the discussion.”

“I am running,” says Hayes, “because I see myself in every student, teacher, mom, sister, daughter, friend, neighbor and stranger I meet, and their story is my story. I want to earn the trust of the people in Connecticut’s 5th district and be the person to carry their concerns to Washington.”
Jahana Hayes held a campaign meet and greet at her New Britain Headquarters at the Pride of Connecticut Elks Lodge at 24 Elm Street, on Wednesday August 1, 2018.

The case for their candidacies are made in campaign ads from Glassman and Hayes that are available on YouTube.