City Honors Veterans of Iraq and Afghanistan Wars and Other Post 9/11 Conflicts
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City Honors Veterans of Iraq and Afghanistan Wars and Other Post 9/11 Conflicts

The city has dedicated a monument to veterans of the armed forces from the New Britain area who fought in the Iraq and Afghanistan wars and other conflicts after the September 11, 2001 attacks.

The monument, located in Central Park, honors New Britain area veterans, “who gallantly fought and sacrificed,” in Iraq, Afghanistan and other conflicts.

“That sacrifice does not necessarily end when our service members return home,” the monument continues. “We cannot forget the personal conflicts that each military personnel faces upon returning to civilian life.”

According Bureau of the Census estimates from 2016, there were between 169 and 377 New Britain residents who are veterans from the post September 11, 2001 era.

In total, the Census Bureau estimated about 2,461 of New Britain’s residents to be veterans, totaling 4.4% of the city’s adult population.

Of veterans, the new monument says, “Their sacrifices, as well as their families’ sacrifices will be forever remembered with gratitude.”