Halloween 2018 in New Britain
2 mins read

Halloween 2018 in New Britain

Monsters, ghouls, ghosts and vampires were joined on the city’s streets and sidewalks with princesses, superheroes and animated characters as New Britain celebrated Halloween 2018.

Halloween 2018
Scene from the downtown Halloween event. Frank Gerratana photo.

Many children and families trick or treated in downtown, where local businesses and city and state leaders handed out candy.

Democratic Lt. Gov. candidate Susan Bysiewicz, Democratic Governor candidate Ned Lamont and Mayor Erin Stewart greet trick or treaters in downtown. Frank Gerratana photo.

Meanwhile, door to door trick or treaters were greeted by neighbors with treats in neighborhoods throughout the city.

Democratic Governor candidate Ned Lamont, Ald. Eva Magnuszewski (D-AL), State Rep. Rick Lopes (D-24) and others at the downtown Halloween event. Frank Gerratana photo.

Community activists in the North-Oak neighborhood joined together at St. James Baptist Church to hold a “Trunk or Treat” Halloween celebration for the neighborhoods’ kids.

Kids celebrating at North-Oak “Trunk or Treat”. Pablo Rodriguez photo.

Like in a number of other such events in the city, the organizers of the North Oak neighborhood “Trunk or Treat” said that, at the event, “Kids can go from trunk to trunk and collect candy and goodies in a safe space.”

North-Oak “Trunk or Treat”. Pablo Rodriguez photo.

Volunteers decorated their car trunks with creepy Halloween themes and greeted children with treats.

Trick or Treating at the North-Oak “Trunk or Treat”. Pablo Rodriguez photo.

Spectrum DJ Entertainment provided music, while children were able to enjoy dancing, games and other activities.

Kids celebrating at North-Oak “Trunk or Treat”. Pablo Rodriguez photo.
Decorated trunk at the North-Oak “Trunk or Treat”. Pablo Rodriguez photo.
Decorated trunk at the North-Oak “Trunk or Treat”. Pablo Rodriguez photo.
Decorated trunk at the North-Oak “Trunk or Treat”. Pablo Rodriguez photo.
Police Chief James Wardwell, Lt. Gov. candidate Susan Bysiewicz and State Rep. Rick Lopes (D-24) at the downtown Halloween event. Frank Gerratana photo.
Scene from the downtown Halloween event. Frank Gerratana photo.