The Black Ministers Alliance of New Britain will be hosting a Unity in the Community Thanksgiving Service.
The service will be on Friday, November 9, 2018 at 7:00pm.
The Guest Preacher for the service will be Rev. Maurice S. Porter, I.
Rev. Porter is Senior Pastor of the Shiloh Baptist Church of Hartford.

The service will be held at the Bethesda Apostolic Church, which is located at 249 Stanley Street.
“All are welcome,” says the Black Ministers Alliance.
The Black Ministers Alliance describes its mission as,
to unite and mobilize African American pastors, ministers, and para-church ministries for prophetic ministry that results in liberating and empowering the larger community of New Britain, CT.
Our Vision: The Black Ministers Alliance of is a timeless model of ministry demonstrating Christ’s relevance in the world by networking diverse ministries, civic and governmental entities, and educational institutions to effect positive change.