Gerratana Returns as Health Committee Chair
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Gerratana Returns as Health Committee Chair

Sen. Terry Gerratana (D-6) has been named as the Chair of the state legislature’s Public Health Committee for the two year term that begins in January.

Gerratana Returns as Health Committee Chair
Terry Bielinski Gerratana. Frank Gerratana photo.

State Senate President Pro Tempore Martin M. Looney made the announcement of Gerratana’s appointment on December 21st.

Gerratana returns to lead the committee that, according to the legislature’s website, works on legislation concerning, “all programs and matters relating to the Department of Public Health; the Department of Mental Health and Addiction Services and the Department of Developmental Services; the Office of Health Care Access; and all other matters relating to health, including emergency medical services, all licensing boards within the Department of Public Health, nursing homes, pure food and drugs, and controlled substances, including the treatment of substance abuse.”

Health issues have been at the center of Gerratana’s work as a legislator over the years. Her official biography says,

Terry was instrumental in passing children’s health care legislation as well as managed care and mental health reform. She worked to create a breast and cervical cancer early detection and treatment referral program, to require health insurance plans to provide 48-hour inpatient care for mothers and infants after normal child delivery and to create a work incentives program for people with disabilities. In 2016, Senator Gerratana led the charge on a number of critical public health issues, including the passage of a strong, multi-faceted law that seeks to combat opioid addiction and save lives.

In Connecticut, legislative committees are joint committees of the State Senate and House of Representative, so Gerratana, who has led the committee in past terms, will co-chair the committee with a chair appointed by the House of Representatives.

Gerratana will also serve, for 2019 to 2020, as Vice-Chair of the legislature’s Housing Committee.