Youth Party to Benefit Northend Students
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Youth Party to Benefit Northend Students

Youth employed in the Summer Youth Employment Program are organizing a party to collect donations for Northend School students.

The young people, who are employed in the Summer Youth Employment Program at HRA, OIC and the YWCA, are encouraging other teens to attend the party. To be admitted, teens are to, “donate a pack of pencils or a composition notebook and pay $5,” according to event co-coordinators at Neighborhood Housing Services of New Britain (NHSNB).

The Summer Youth Employment Program in New Britain receives funding through Capital Workforce Partners and American Savings Foundation.

The party will be held on Saturday, August 24, 2019 at 456 East Street. It will be from 7:00pm to 11:00pm.

According to the event organizers, the party is to,

include pizza and bottled water. Also, snacks will be sold at the party. DJ DonQ will provide the music. Jay Rock will perform. Teens will come to socialize with friends and dance.

Maritza Villa, Youth Party Co-coordinator says that, “I am excited about giving kids the tools they need to succeed in school and also looking forward to this donation party and many more.”

“This party is a great way to involve young adults in their community to give back while also having fun,” said Youth Party Co-coordinator Michal Urban. “We have worked hard and we hope that the youth will enjoy this party, while also learning about positive efforts to enrich their community.”

Adult volunteers will be present to supervise the party. They will be joined by police officers and police explorers in plain clothes.

NHSNB says that

The party is the first in a series of youth parties planned by youth for youth and sponsored by NHSNB. This strategy is part of an action plan created by community leaders in the North Oak, Arch Area, and East Side neighborhoods and partially funded by a NeighborWorks America mini-grant. The goals are to introduce youth to community building, have them work alongside adult community leaders, and create more community involvement.

Current sponsors of the program, according to NHSNB include, “Walmart in Newington, Eblens Clothing & Footwear, Sweetwater Juice Bar & Deli, Target in Newington, Flight Fit N Fun, McDonalds on MLK Boulevard, Mofongo Restaurant, and Fryzjer Modern Hair Salon.”

Event organizers also say that pizzas are being donated for the event by East Side, Marathon, Paradise, Tony’s Central, and Pizza Pesto pizzerias.

The event co-coordinators have been seeking donations of pizza, as well as gift cards for a raffle at the party, and say that they are still seeking donations. Those wishing to donate or having questions are being encouraged to contact Daria at [email protected] or 860-224-2433, extension 112.