New Britain’s widely attended July 4th “Great American Boom” fireworks display, celebrating Independence Day, will be held again for the 2021 celebration.

An estimated 40,000 people have gathered in New Britain on July 4th in past years to view New Britain’s traditionally spectacular Independence Day fireworks display. While thousands have gathered at the park where the event is held, thousands more have gathered in numerous locations throughout a large swath of the city.
New Britain’s fireworks display, which has been held in Stanley Quarter Park before last year, is, like last year, to be held at Willow Brook Park in 2021.
Like in 2020, Mayor Erin Stewart (R) has announced that the 2021, New Britain fireworks display is to be a “drive-in style,” event and that access to the event will require a $10 per car parking placard. The city says that pre-registration is required.
Willow Brook Park is located on John Karbonic Way, off of South Main Street in New Britain.
“Parking placards must be picked up prior to event,” the city says.
New Britain Parks and Recreation has a registration website where the parking passes may be purchased.
The Parks and Recreation website says that,
Parking passes can be picked up at the New Britain Parks, Recreation, and Community Services Department (27 West Main Street, Room 302, New Britain, CT, 06051), 8:15am-3:45pm starting from June 7 until July 2nd. On June 30th and July 2nd at 4pm-8pm and on July 3rd from 9am-2pm, parking passes will be available at the New Britain Stadium ticket office (230 John Karbonic Way, New Britain, CT 06051) 8:00am-4:00pm. NO PARKING PASS, NO ENTRY, NO REFUNDS.
But the city’s website only notes that availability of tickets at New Britain Stadium on June 30th, from 4:00pm to 8:00pm.
On July 2nd, Parks and Recreation announced a, “last chance to purchase parking pass,” to be held on July 4th, from 12:30pm to 2:00pm at the Willow Brook Park pool. The pool is located at 200 Mill Street in New Britain.
The city website notes that, “A parking pass is required for entry, please place the parking pass on your rear view mirror,” and adds that, “Per Sec. 17-46 of City’s ordinances, alcoholic beverages shall not be consumed in parks,” and that, “No pets allowed.” New Britain police add that, “There are no events, booths, or food trucks setup inside the park. Guests are expected to remain inside their vehicle except to utilize the bathroom,” and that, “The following are strictly prohibited from the festival area: mopeds, bicycle riding, skate boarding, roller-skating, roller-blading, dogs and alcoholic beverages.”
The parking lot is to open at 7:30pm on July 4th and the city has said that, “Parking lot entry will close at 9:00pm.” The fireworks are to occur at approximately 9:15pm.
New Britain police caution that, “Anyone traveling to the event should anticipate delays in traffic and should plan accordingly,” and to, “not wait until the last minute to arrive as this may cause traffic congestion and delay or prohibit your entry into the park.”
New Britain police issued an advisory, saying that,
The public should anticipate a delay in the movement of traffic through the areas surrounding Willow Brook Park to include South Main Streets, Corbin Avenue, Kensington Avenue, Monroe Street and Ellis Street. The New Britain Police Department will have uniformed Police Officers and Community Service Officers posted at various intersections to assist with any traffic concerns. The New Britain Public Works Department, Berlin Police Department and the Connecticut State Police will also be assisting to facilitate the safe and expeditious flow of traffic throughout the area. Please keep in mind the safety of pedestrians and other motorists. Your cooperation will be necessary to insure a safe and enjoyable holiday celebration for everyone.
Side streets north of Mill Street up to Monroe/Ellis will close to local traffic prior to the event when traffic congestion in the area requires their closure. Officers will be posted at key intersections on Corbin Avenue and South Main Street to manually cycle the lights if necessary to assist traffic flow.
Noting that, “The New Britain Police Department will be enforcing existing “no parking” areas,” the advisory notes special rules on parking for the event, saying,
Kensington Avenue and Mill Street will be marked with no parking on both sides of the street. Parking will be allowed on the streets surrounding the general area of Willow Brook Park, on the North and East sides of the street only.
Any motor vehicles parked in violation of the temporary “No Parking-Tow Zone” signs, obstructing driveways, fire hydrants, intersections, and crosswalks, double parked or parked in a hazardous manner will be ticketed and towed at the owner’s expense.
No parking will be allowed on South Main Street at any time during the event hours for public safety reasons.
Additional traffic restrictions in the police advisory note that,
- Once the Mill Street parking lots are full, Mill Street will be closed. Brook Street will be closed between Greenwood Street and South Main Street.
- Southbound traffic from on Glen Street and Logan Street will be restricted to local traffic only at approximately 5:00p.m.
- South Main Street will remain open up until the conclusion of the event. After the conclusion of the event, until traffic congestion is cleared, there will be no southbound traffic from Ellis Street to Brook Street.
- At the conclusion of the fireworks display the following traffic patterns and routes will be in effect:
- Traffic exiting John Karbonic Way onto South Main Street will be directed northbound towards Veterans Drive or South Main Street depending on congestion. Traffic may go southbound from the event towards Berlin or the highway.
- There will be no southbound traffic on Veterans Drive.
- Those leaving the east lot of the high school will be directed down Daniel Bugnacki Way towards South Main Street, then northbound onto South Main Street.
- All traffic heading towards South Main Street from streets north of Brook Street will be directed northbound only onto South Main Street.
- Vehicles approaching South Main Street and Ellis Street will be directed either north bound onto South Main Street or eastbound onto Ellis Street ONLY.
- Those leaving the west lot of the high school on Mill Street will be directed to Pond Street. From Pond Street you will be directed onto Buell Street towards Kensington Avenue.
- Any traffic being directed onto Kensington Avenue, will have the option to go north or southbound on Kensington Avenue.
- Shuttle Meadow Avenue will be open from Arch Street.
- Those that travel to Arch Street/Monroe Street from Kensington Avenue will be directed west bound onto Monroe Street.
- All those parking on side streets north of Brook Street who travel up to Monroe Street, will be directed either northbound across Monroe Street, or west bound towards Arch Street.
- Those approaching Arch Street and Monroe Street westbound will be directed northbound onto Arch Street.
The rain date for the fireworks event is July 5, 2021.
Parks and Recreation is on the web at, its phone number is 860-826-3360 and its office is at City Hall, 27 West Main Street, Room 302.
Editor’s note (6/10/2021): The article has been updated with additional information.
Editor’s note (7/2/2021): The article has been updated to include the July 4th ticket purchase opportunity, information from the city website and information from New Britain Police.