Tabletop role playing games form the setting of the Hole in the Wall Theater‘s latest streaming production, “Darths and Droids.”

“Not so long ago, in an apartment not so far away,” the Theater says, “a group of friends gather to play a new table top campaign.”
“Imagine, if you will, an alternate universe,” the Theater says, continuing,
one where “A Long Time Ago, in a Galaxy Far, Far Away” has never graced it’s presence on the silver screen. A world without Star Wars. In this world, six friends gather to join a strange new SCI-FI role playing game, one filled with laser blasters, warp drives, and mysterious space-wizards known as “JEDI”. Their destination: the small planet of NABOO, as two Jedi Knights embark on a quest to negotiate armistice and bring peace to the region. What could possibly go wrong?
The Theater says that the filmed production, “goes up on July 9th.” The show is to be streamed at 8:00pm.
The Hole in the Hall Theater’s filmed production of “Darths and Droids” is adapted for the stage by Justin M. G. Hughes, from a David Morgan-Marr web comic. It is directed by Alan Burkholder and produced by Terrance J. Peters.
“The event is free to all,” the Theater says, “so don’t miss out! But, don’t be afraid to donate and help keep the theater running.” The Theater’s donations web page is at,
“Keep an eye out on how to tune in,” says the Theater, “and join all the 20-sided dice rolling fun!”
The Theater’s Facebook page is at
The Hole in the Wall Theater has said that it, “has been a staple of the New Britain arts community for over 40 years. Through the hundreds of shows we’ve produced, our mission has always been to make theater accessible to everyone.
The Hole in the Wall Theater is located at 116 Main Street.
The Theater plans to resume live performances on July 16th.