Polish American Foundation to Celebrate 25th Anniversary – POSTPONED
1 min read

Polish American Foundation to Celebrate 25th Anniversary – POSTPONED

Editor’s note (9/24/2021): The Polish American Foundation announced on its website that, “Our scheduled 25th Anniversary Celebrating has been postponed due to COVID-19 and the surging delta variant. Please check in soon for a new date.”

The New Britain-based Polish American Foundation of Connecticut is planning a Gala to celebrate its 25th Anniversary.

“Over the past quarter-century we have accrued a proud record of accomplishment in service to our community and the general public,” the Polish American Foundation (PAF) says.

The organization says that,

Our Mission is to serve the community by improving access to social services and to educational, training and career opportunities, preserving and promoting cultural and immigrant heritage, fostering inter-ethnic understanding and international exchange.

The Foundation is says it is proud of, “the quality of its wide range of programs,” including,

Programs that:

  • preserve and showcase Polish cultural heritage in literature, dance, music, visual arts, and crafts,
  • celebrate the immigrant heritage of all ethnic groups in our state,
  • foster inter-ethnic understanding,
  • promote the interests of our community and support local economic development.

The 25th Anniversary Gala is to be held on Saturday, October 30, 2021. It is to be held from 5:00pm to 12:00am at St. George Greek Orthodox Church at 301 West Main Street.

Single tickets for the event are $100 and a table of eight is $750. The Foundation’s website also has information about advertisement and sponsorship for the event.

The Polish American Foundation of Connecticut is a not for profit organization, saying that,

Our purpose is to cultivate and promote Polish culture and immigrant heritage in the state of Connecticut.

“Please join us as we celebrate our 25th Anniversary,” the Foundations says.

The Foundation is based at the historic Sloper-Wesoly Immigrant Heritage Center, at 27 Grove Hill.