Strong Endorses Sanchez for Mayor
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Strong Endorses Sanchez for Mayor

Democrat Alicia Hernandez Strong has endorsed Rep. Bobby Sanchez (D-25) in his campaign for Mayor of New Britain.

Alicia Hernandez Strong. Frank Gerratana photo.

“Although I did not win the Democratic primary for mayor of New Britain,” Strong said today, “together, we brought attention to a number of important issues. I am proud of the work we’ve done to propel New Britain into a stronger, more progressive future.”

Democrat Strong was a candidate for Mayor in the New Britain Democratic Party’s September 14th primary. Rep. Sanchez won the support of Democratic voters in that primary as their candidate for Mayor against Republican Mayor Erin Stewart.

Strong went on to say, today, that, “After discussions with Rep. Sanchez and his team, I am excited to announce he will be adopting a number of policies we advocated for this summer. Rep. Sanchez has made a commitment to a comprehensive platform that prioritizes the hard-working residents of New Britain.”

Rep. Bobby Sanchez (D-25)

“After my discussions with Bobby Sanchez,” Strong said. “I believe he is the only candidate in the race who is committed to fighting for these important issues. Erin Stewart has shown over and over her willingness to ignore, block or straight-up lie to residents for her own personal gain. That is why I am proud to endorse Rep. Bobby Sanchez to be the next Mayor of New Britain.”

“Thank you for your support, Alicia!” said Rep. Sanchez. “I look forward to working with you to bring real change to New Britain.”

Strong said he is asking people to vote for Sanchez and all of the Democratic candidates for city offices in the upcoming November 2, 2021 city elections.

Alicia Hernandez Strong. Republished by permission.

“We need a mayor who is willing to hold the Police Department accountable when they violate a resident’s rights,” said Strong. “We need a mayor who will stop giving tax breaks to billion-dollar companies and start giving tax breaks to New Britain residents, who, for too long, have been paying high taxes without seeing improvements in city services.”

“Most importantly, we need someone who trusts research and is willing to invest in long-term, forward-thinking solutions to address poor educational performance, homelessness, addiction and mental health problems in the city.”