The 2021 Fall curbside leaf collection program conducted by the New Britain Public Works Department is underway.
The annual Fall leaf collection program conducted by the New Britain Public Works Department is already underway.

The Fall 2021 leaf bag collection began November 8th. It is unclear when it is to conclude, but the Department says that, “Our fall leaf bag collection includes a minimum of 2 passes, weather permitting, in each of the Leaf Bag Collection Route.”
The Department says that,
Each fall and spring NBPW performs city-wide curbside leaf bag collection services . Considering there are approximately 190 miles of city and state roads in New Britain that leaf bags are collected from and each road is serviced a minimum of 3 times (during the fall program, weather permitting). Through this program NBPW typically handles over 1,100 tons of leaves per year this is a monumental task.
“Paper Leaf bags are available for purchase at most hardware and home improvement stores,” the Department notes.
The Department directs people to its Fall Clean Up Collection Program web page, “to help residents understand where we are collecting leaf bags on any given day so they can best plan when they will need to get their leaf bags to the curb.”
The web page includes other information about the program, including, “daily updates about the status of the program during the fall and spring collection periods.”
The Department says that its, “leaf bag collection is based on Leaf Bag Collection Routes,” with information about streets included in each route on the Department’s web page.
Public Works says that leaf pickup is not available on November 25th or 26th.