Community Rallies for Sarra
1 min read

Community Rallies for Sarra

Schools Superintendent Nancy Sarra received a boost of support from 150 people who rallied for her in Central Park.

Four Republican members of the ten members of the New Britain Board of Education have pressed for a “buyout” of Sarra’s contract, attempting to replace her with an interim superintendent.

Sarra announced last month that she plans to retire from her long career in many roles in the New Britain school district at the end of the school year.

John McNamara photo.

Throngs of people came to downtown New Britain on February 24, 2022 in support of Sarra and against efforts to remove her early.

The community organization, Building Economic Equality – New Britain (BEE-NB), had been organizing people to the rally, saying, “Some members of the Board are attempting to remove superintendent Nancy Sarra before the search process for her replacement is concluded.”

The Board of Education met on the proposed contract “buyout”, but took no action on the proposal.