North-Oak neighborhood
“Spark the Park” North-Oak Clean-Up
Continuing its active community organizing, the North-Oak NRZ is teaming up with EbLens for a “Spark the Park” springtime neighborhood clean up in April.
North-Oak NRZ to Hold March Meeting
The North-Oak Neighborhood Revitalization Zone (NRZ) has announced that it will hold its regular monthly meeting on March 28th.
North Oak NRZ Elects Leadership
The North Oak NRZ has elected its Executive Board and committee chairs to lead the neighborhood organization for the North and Oak Streets area.
North-Oak NRZ November Meeting
The North-Oak NRZ will hold its monthly meeting for November this week. The November meeting will be on Thursday, November 29, 2018. The meeting will begin at 7:00pm. The North Oak Neighborhood Revitalization Zone (NRZ) is a community organization, formed under state law, that is committed to the social and economic progress in the North-Oak […]
North-Oak NRZ Meeting October 25
The North Oak NRZ (Neighborhood Revitalization Zone) has announced that its monthly meeting will be held on Thursday, October 25, 2018. “Do you want to know more about us and be part of the solutions to create beautification and safety around the North Oak Area?” the NRZ asks. “Please come to our meetings!” The meeting is planned for […]
Halloween “Trunk or Treat” in North-Oak
Community activists in the North-Oak neighborhood are holding a “Trunk or Treat” Halloween celebration for neighborhood kids. The event will be held on Halloween, October 31, 2018, from 6:00pm to 7:30pm. “Join Us… DJ, food, fun, and games,” say event organizers, “Kids can go from trunk to trunk and collect candy and goodies in a […]
Meeting of North-Oak NRZ September 27
There will be a regular monthly meeting of the North-Oak NRZ September 27, 2018, for the neighborhood to discuss issues affecting the North-Oak area.
Neighborhood Activists Celebrate Stop Sign Restoration
North-Oak neighborhood residents are celebrating the restoration of the stop signs at the corner of Allen and Carlton streets.
Residents Organizing to Restore Allen St. Stop Sign
Neighbors are organizing for reinstallation of stop signs at Allen Street and Carlton Streets at the Board of Police Commissioners meeting.
North Oak NRZ Community Clean Up Planned for Oct 6th
The North-Oak Neighborhood Revitalization Zone (NRZ) has announced a community clean-up day on October 6, 2018. The community clean-up is being done is collaboration with the New Britain Police Department, Central Connecticut State University, Neighborhood Housing Services, the city of New Britain, local churches and others. The clean-up is being held in honor two New Britain Police […]